For international mail to send food

If you send a package, there is also the possibility that there is enough food in their luggage. I think if you want to send international mail, and will be able to send itself to the question whether the food. I think because I think if you want to send food to the countries from Japan, and different rules in each country, and I would like to describe the United States as an example here.
I said to take measures referred to in the United States to strengthen the inspection when the food has arrived on current international mail. This has been the measure based on the laws of the United States Bioterrorism Act. And measures to prevent or said that is not included, such as bacteria in the food that was brought in from abroad, and do not cover damage to the human body and animals. If it is discovered such acts, if the damage came out, so that food may be confiscated and will be returned to the sender or, care must be taken when sending also sufficiently. But if you want to send the food to the United States on business first, you need to get a confirmation number prior notice confirmation number and said PN in advance, send that number written in the customs declaration. It will be like prior notice is issued from the system interface on the Internet site to take this PN confirmation number. I think you may wish to get a confirmation number PN because there is likely to be regarded as commercial even though it is not for commercial purposes, for example at the time of the sender name of the shop is good, not individuals. It is okay if you send the food rather than for commercial purposes than personal confirmation number PN is also not take, please manner send written correctly or to send any food items in your written customs declaration below. This is also true of homemade food in the food I bought. There is a column to write or send the food for the purpose of what is in the customs declaration form, please do not forget to also write manner.